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Fastest Hypersonic Passenger Plane of The Future will Do 8000mph

Fastest Hypersonic Passenger Plane of The Future will Do 8000mphCanadian aviation engineers have developed a concept of a hypersonic passenger plane, which will be powerful enough to travel at speeds over 10 Mach or 12,000 kilometers per hour (about 8000 miles per hour).

Before we proceed, please take a look at this short video review of the concept:

Mach 10 Supersonic Passenger Airplane of the Future: Skreemr Concept

According to the developers, this supersonic airliner will be launched into the air with the help of an electromagnetic rail gun at a rate of close to 5000 km/h (3100 mph), while providing comfortable environment for 75 passengers aboard.

After reaching this initial speed, then Skreemr will use the rocket engine, powered by oxygen in order to gain altitude and speed sufficient to enable hypersonic engine. By burning the hydrogen, collected from the environment, and compressed oxygen the engine is expected to hit the maximum speed of Mach 10.

In order to turn this concept into reality, Canadian aviation engineers will have to overcome a good deal of technical obstacles, as it will be extremely difficult to find affordable material that can withstand extreme temperatures during acceleration, especially at low altitudes. There also many tests to carry out, in order to find a system, which will allow ordinary passengers to survive such overload during takeoff.

The Canadian creators of this futuristic aircraft concept believe that by 2050 this airplane type will be an excellent solution for covering intercontinental distances in shortest possible period of time.


We will just have to wait and see the first prototypes of the aircraft, which will not only allows to travel comfortably and quickly but also do so at supersonic speeds, the speeds, which are several times faster than the speed of sound and about 6 times faster than the internationally known Concorde aircraft.

It should be also noted that this extreme aircraft prototype of the future is not the first try to revive the supersonic passenger flights. Recently the creators of the original Concorde, which will cover the travel distance at a cruising speed of 4800 km/h (almost 3000 mph). Additionally, the organization called the Club Concorde is planning to spend $250 million in order to return of the Concorde airplanes back to the production, as early as 2019.

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Fastest Hypersonic Passenger Plane of The Future will Do 8000mph Reviewed by Data Cube on January 30, 2016 Rating: 5

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