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Main Characteristics of Mercedes’ Plug-In Hybrid SUV: GLE 500e 4Matic

Main Characteristics of Mercedes’ Plug-In Hybrid SUV: GLE 500e 4MaticThis year German automotive manufacturing giant has announced about the beginning of the new luxury class vehicles, which will have the GLE prefix. Car enthusiasts, who follow the Mercedes' production, can probably spot that the GLE series are the modern replacement for the M­Class SUVs.

Before we continue, we recommend checking out this quick video review:

First Plug-In Mercedes SUV: GLE 500e 4MATIC (Hybrid Version of ML-Class)

Up to date the updated GLE family includes the first Mercedes SUV hybrid, which comes with a plug-in option (so its batteries may be changed from home electricity network or the special wallbox for quicker charging times.

The design of the front part of the new 2016 GLE 500e was executed in M­class crossover style but there are surely some exciting differences, which may be spotted right away: new stylish radiator grille, upgraded optics, the use of modern LED lights and noticeably different exhaust pipes.

The Mercedes GLE 500e 4Matic plug-in hybrid is equipped with a dual turbine 6­ cylinder gasoline engine (333 horsepower) and the 85­kilowatt electric motor (116 horsepower), which is being powered by the pack of lithium ion batteries (total capacity of 8.8 kW/h). The output power generated by both engines (442hp and 650 Nm) is handled by the 7­speed automatic gearbox 7G­Tronic Plus.

In the electric only mode the vehicle’s battery with be sufficient for about 30 km (16 miles), while, however, the maximum driving speed will be limited to just 130 kilometers per hour (80 mph). The fuel consumption in the hybrid mode will be close to 3.3 liters per 100 kilometers (71mpg). Such performance stats are incredible but as for now the title of the #most fuel efficient SUV goes to Volvo XC90 T8.

Such setup allows to the car to operate in one of four specific modes, any of which may be changed with a push of a button. The car may be driven either powered by electricity, if the E-Mode is activated, or by a combination of gasoline or electric power, when the hybrid setting is turned on.

There are also additional energy-saving modes, which will turn out to be quite handy in everyday driving cycle - the E-Save setting activates the gas engine only and the electric mode is used only in certain critically-important situations. Finally, the activation of the Charge mode allows the usage of the gas engine only, so the power generated by the internal combustion engines may also be simultaneously used to charges the battery.

All vehicle modifications and sub-models come with well known 4-wheel drive 4Matic. But it should be pointed out that such off-road equipment as a reduction gear, differential locking and AirMatic air suspension come as a paid upgrade only.

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Main Characteristics of Mercedes’ Plug-In Hybrid SUV: GLE 500e 4Matic Reviewed by Data Cube on January 29, 2016 Rating: 5

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