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Educational Information about Lions and Their Hybrids for Kids or Adults

Educational Information about Lions and Their Hybrids for Kids or AdultsLion is a predator, belonging to the felidae family, which poses a serious threat not only to the smaller animal species, but also any inattentive person. But, as with many other predator animals, humans and their influence on the surrounding nature has done more damage to the lion population than any lion has done to hurt humans.

10 LION facts & fun presentation of characterists of the King of the Jungle

#1. Where do white lions live?

Kruger National Park (KNP) in South Africa is home to an unusual subspecies of lions. What is particular about them is that they have a white color of fur but may not be considered albinos because this color is a result of a recessive gene. Many white lions with a recessive gene are kept in a protected environment in zoos around the world, as many naturalists believe that these individuals cannot hunt as effectively as regular lions. But this theory remains controversial, as there are certain observations, which indicate that the white lions are not bad hunters after all.

#2. Most unusual zoo in the world

Orana Zoo in New Zealand has created the perfect environment for lions, which are, according to certain experts, are very close to natural conditions. The visitors of Orana say that it’s the opposite of a zoo in our general understanding: the lions get to dwell on 80 hectares of land, instead of being placed in cages. On contrary, if visitors want to take a look at these majestic creatures, they can do so by driving in an observatory cage. This is surely a thrilling experience for the visitors, who are taken between the major zoo sights in a big protected van with strong cage bars.

#3. The hybrids of lions and tigers or other big cats

There are 12 species of lions but modern zoologists also state that there are several hybrids, formed after mating of lions and other big cats.

A hybrid animal formed between a lion and a tigress is called a liger, a hybrid of a tiger and a lioness - a tigon (these names are often formed in an ingenious manner: tiger + lion = tigon).

For a while scientists believed that these hybrid animals don't have an ability to reproduce but recent evidence showed that only male hybrids are sterile. Females of both hybrids, on contrary, showed that they can mate with both lions and tigers.

Their offsprings have helped to progress the hybridization even further and now zoologist do their best to learn the nature of the hybrid, created by a lion and a female tigon, which is named li-tigon and other second generation hybrids: ti-tigon, li-liger and ti-liger.

A hybrid of a lion and a leopard is called a leopon, mixture of lion and jaguar – jaglion.

#4. What is the panther's natural color?

Panther is not an individual animal breed but the name of a biological family, which includes four animal species: lions, tigers, leopards and jaguars. The scientific term "panther" is often mistakenly attributed to big cats with black fur but such coloration is a distinct trait of a genetic mutation in leopards or jaguars, called the melanism.

#5. Life in the prides

Known as the only cats (well, almost), which are capable of showing truly social behavior, lions live in small groups and prefer choose a nomadic lifestyle. These social groups are usually called prides and here leadership generally belongs to the females.

A pride of lions can have up to 40 animals, including adult females, cubs and young lions, 2-4 years of age, but only up to 2 adult males. Lionesses remain in the pride, inside which they were born, for the rest of their life, lest the lack of food or other unusual events causes the split of the pride. Male lions, however, are forced out of the pride, once they become too old to compete with younger rivals or lose a battle against a stronger lion.

#6. Life of the predator and hunting preferences

Lion's body is perfectly adapted to his predatory essence: these animals are strong hunters with powerful jaws, just #like wolves, and massive paws, which are used to grab the prey.

Although, lions predominantly target large prey, for example, zebras and wildebeests, lions may be sometimes spotted feasting on smaller animals or scaring away hyenas and leopards from their hard-earned prey. In a pride the most of hunting is done by the females, while males are responsible for keeping the members of the pride secure.

Lions are capable of running at speeds of up to 60 km/h (37 mph), but at such a rate they can sprint no more than 90 meters (300 feet). The length of a lion’s leap may reach up to 11 meters (36 feet).

Lions prefer to lions hunt in the dark, because at this time of day, when they can see better. Their nighttime vision is said to be 7 times better than that of a human.

#7. Do white lions exist?

White lions are not the victims a medical condition called of albinism, as they have normal pigmentation of the skin and eyes. The white color is believed to be a result of a genetic disease called leucism.

#8. The functional use of manes

Lions and lionesses have golden-colored fur but lions also possess a distinct characteristic - a shaggy mane, the color of which varies from fair to reddish or even black. Research shows that the color of the mane depends on lion’s age, genetics and even animal’s hormone levels.

Mane is the distinct chrematistic of all male lions. Males may be distinguished from females by the presence of manes. Interestingly enough, no other big cats have manes. To male animals they serve as an additional shield during the most brutal fights.

#9. Where do these predators live?

The best living environment for the lions are the savannas but in some cases these animals choose the woods, as their habitat.

Nowadays in the wild lions may only be found only in #Africa and one national forest in India. Such decrease in population and variety of habitat keeps the zoologists worried because these animals used to live in the Middle East, Southern Europe, Iran, northern India, and even in the south of Russia.

#10. Who are lions scared of?

The most fearsome terrible enemy, which a lion may encounter during his lifetime is probably a porcupine. The porcupine’s needs are strong and sharp enough to punch though lion’s flesh, causing wounds, posing a potential life threat.

#11. Life span

Captive-born and raised lions in live up to 20 years, while in the wild animals live 10-14 years.

#12. Quick facts about the animal:

- Lions, tigers, leopards, jaguars belong to the Panthera genus.

- Barbary Lion is considered to be the largest of all lions.

- One of the extinct species of lion is the cave lion. It roamed the Siberia and the territory of modern Europe about 300 thousand years ago.

- These animals were considered sacred by the Ancient Egyptians; people of Egypt worshipped their power and strength.

- In the Middle Ages a sculpture of a lion was an architectural fashion statement: many castles were decorated with figures of lions and family coats of arms contained lions, as a symbol of power.

- Newborn lions weigh no more than 2 kilograms but usually a bit over a kilogram. Babies are usually born with a spotted skin pattern but in a while the spots disappear and lion's skin acquires a familiar to all of us yellow color. Newborns open their eyes about 9-11 days after birth and in 15 days a baby lion is strong enough to walk on foot.

- The weight of an adult male lion reaches 200 kg, weight of a female - 180 kg. But despite the weight, the animal is quite fast and agile.

- Lions have a spectacular night vision. Even in complete darkness, they are very likely to spot and attack prey or a potential threat to their live.

- Their place of habitat has influenced the animal's ability not only to conserve energy but also keep the water consumption low. They could go months without water, only getting their fluids from the food.

- Lions have huge teeth and powerful claws, the length of which in adults animals reaches 7 cm, but in spite of having these physiological traits, animals don't use their teeth for chewing animals and prefer to swallow large pieces of meat.

- Lions need their sleep and rest during the day, as they spend most of the night hunting. They can sleep and lie around for about 20 hours per day.

- Despite the fact that being lionhearted means to be extraordinarily courageous, the physiological peculiarities of the animal don’t stand up to this simile: compared to other predators lions have one of the smallest heart muscles.

- Lion growling and roaring has a hypnotic effect on people, especially the emotionally sensitive ones. The roar is said to terrify a person, while paralyzing the cognitive abilities, so a person can lose self-control. According to scientists, these unusual properties of the roar not only help lions to easily get prey but also and strike fear into the hearts of people. The roar of an adult lion may be heard up to 8 km away but the ability to roar appears, when the cub reaches age of 2.

- At birth lion cubs weigh only a few kilograms, whereas the weight of an adult animal can reach up to 220 kilograms (485 pounds).

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Educational Information about Lions and Their Hybrids for Kids or Adults Reviewed by Data Cube on February 22, 2016 Rating: 5

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